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tv   Fox News Live  FOX News  July 31, 2021 11:00am-12:00pm PDT

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just watch out for them. they won't bother you. alicia: no way. have a good one. griff: all right, arthel, you're up next. ♪ ♪ ♪ eric: mixed messaging on coronavirus from the biden administration. rochelle walensky walking back comments on fox news now no vaccine mandate this of course coming amid dangers of the delta variant and the latest surge in coronavirus cases. welcome to fox news live i'm eric sean. jillian: and i'm jillian mele, i'm in for arthel neville this afternoon. we have two other big stories that we are watching at this
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hour that includes this, a new legal battle taking shape over immigration pitting taxes against the federal government over executive order issued by governor greg abbott. and protestors vandalized the home of mayor garcetti after he signed ordinance to restrict homeless encampment. eric: fox team coverage on all of the stories. christina coleman in los angeles on the crime coming right to the mayor's story. rich edison on the southern border in the showdown with the lone star state and the federal government. >> president biden is trying to convince skeptical americans that now is the time to get a covid-19 vaccine. the white house doubling down on vaccine. we have already seen the different variants cause a lot of headaches for health officials. the cdc revising guidance
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essentially recommending that millions of americans based on where they are mask up again regardless of their vaccinated or not. the cdc also recommending that everyone is going to k through 11 school, teachers, staff wear a mask this fall. that is a non-starter for some governors including florida ron desantis who tweeted forcing kids to wear mask is bad policy. parents decide to wear masks in school. neither local authorities should be able to override the decisions of parents. meantime, the white house is facing questions about how it hopes to reach its vaccination's goals. last night on special report bret baier asked the cdc director directly what next steps the administration is considering. >> i want to start there, are you for mandating a vaccine on a federal level? >> you know, that's something that i think the administration is looking into. it's something that i think we are looking to see approval of from the vaccine.
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mark: then shortly after the comments, cdc director tweeted about the interview saying there will be no nationwide mandate. i was referring to mandates about private institutions and portions of the federal government. they'll be no federal mandate. still the mixed messaging doesn't come at the best time for the white house. the president is eagerly trying to get kids back to school, more people back to work and the economy back on track. we are going to get another job's report next week, that's going to be for the month of july which will give us an idea on how the employment situation was during this month, middle of the summer but still a lot of questions about what the variants to have virus could mean to the economy, the economic recovery as the white house tries to negotiate with congress on many different fronts about its economic agenda. eric, back to you. eric: mark at the white house, thanks so much. so what exactly is guiding the new mask guidance from the cdc, the agency released new data and in a few moments we will do into
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it with dr. frida fisher on what all this means to protect you coming up next. disney announcing that covid vaccine requirements are now required for employees working at any of their american locations like disney world or disneyland, giving them 60 days to comply. any employees they say working from home they'll need proof of vaccination. wal-mart now requiring all workers to wear facial coverings. jillian. jillian: the justice department is suing texas after governor greg abbott authorized state troopers to pull over and re-rout vehicles carrying migrants. he says there's a risk some of them could spread covid-19 to the community. the doj says the governor's order interferes with federal immigration laws. rich edison is live at the
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border in la joya, texas, rich, i know the fear of it spreading in the community in texas is one thing but i think others could spread beyond that. reporter: local officials are really asking the federal government to stop paroling migrants into the country. border patrol officials says they are testing but you can't test everyone. with the pandemic, if you got covid-19, it doesn't mean that you're showing symptoms. local officials are trying to get the texas government to allow mask mandates here. meanwhile you have continued migration coming, sometimes in groups of 4 to 500 in this spot in the broader rio grande valley. officials say they are looking at anywhere from 2 to 3,000 migrants coming a day here. some days that's more than that. border agents give migrants masking and agents say officials will take them to the hospital if they have covid symptoms though local police they are
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released and u.s. department of justice is suing texas over the order authorizing state police to stop vehicles carrying migrants, the fed say that's interfering with federal operations, end quote. no state my obstruct the federal government of discharge of constitutional responsibilities and obstructs and directly in-- interferes on federal immigration law. under long established >> the justice department has also filed an emergency motion to stop what texas is doing here, as this friction now between the state of texas and the federal government will play out in the federal court system.
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>> rich edson live at the southern border. so interesting to see how this will play out because i'm sure you have a number of other border states keeping a close eye on this. thank you. eric? eric: los angeles mayor garcetti's house was vandalized last night, after hours when he signed an ordinance on the homelessness problem in his city. that ordinance let city workers clear the encampments that are hurting tourism. we are live in los angeles with more. you have been downtown, you see the shambles, the homeless problem. i mean it is absolutely shocking that someone now trying to take revenge on the mayor for that ruling? >> yeah, that's right, eric, it is shocking and it is a safety concern. right now l.a.p.d. is investigating the vandalism. so far no arrests have been made. protesters marked up the walls and sidewalks at the mayor's house with graffiti and left a lot of trash there thursday night. they oppose the city's new ord
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naacp -- ordinance regarding the homeless, public properties near parks, libraries, schools and other facilities. mayor garcetti is not wavering in his support of the new rule. on friday he released a statement saying quote homelessness is an emotional issue for many angelinos and i'm as passionate as anyone ending the crisis on our streets. i respect the right we have to make our voices our heard, but vandalism doesn't bring our unhoused neighbors indoors, and we have to stay focused on saving lives. the city council approved the ordinance on 13 to 2 vote on wednesday. those who violate it could receive a citation. >> there will be some relief to areas that i think have big concerns like parks, schools, entrances around businesses, locations around current homeless housing solutions that we've already put in our areas.
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>> but critics say there's not enough shelters to house the city's homeless population. they also say it would be tough for someone who violates this new law to actually pay for a citation. i talked to l.a. county sheriff about this a few weeks ago. he doesn't think the ordinance fully addresses the city's homelessness crisis. >> i mean, it's a step in the right direction, but they didn't go all the way. all they did was try to appease the public outcry without actually addressing the problem, which is regulating public space. >> also, 17 outreach teams will offer shelter and other services to the homeless before the new law is enforced. it goes into effect in 30 days. eric? eric: christina, thank you very much. >> all right, how about this, carnival cruise lines is launching its largest ship ever after it sat empty for a year due to the pandemic. the mardi gras will set sail this evening from a very shiny
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new 155 million dollars terminal in florida's port canaveral. passengers need to show proof of vaccination. charles lawson is live in port canaveral. charles, rumor has it, this thing has a roller coaster on it? is that true? >> yes, it's right on the 18 deck. it is a big day here at port canaveral. you have carnival ready to set sail on the mardi gras, the largest cruise ship ever. it will leave from port canaveral since the pandemic hit in march of 2020, we've got a look at some of the first passengers to board the massive ship this morning, many wearing masks, wearing their best mardi gras attire. there's a lot for them to look forward to. they have drinks, pools, even roller coaster you were talking about on top of the 18 deck. before any of the estimated 4,000 passengers can enjoy any of that, they have to be screened for covid.
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that means answering questions about symptoms and showing either a negative test or proof of vaccination before they can cruise on mardi gras. we spoke to a couple earlier who say they feel safe with all of carnival's safe measures to prevent an outbreak on board. >> 95% vaccinated on this boat, very few exceptions. we've been vaccinated. we encourage everyone to do their part and continue to, you know, wear your masks when appropriate, but we don't have any reservations at all. >> crews, industry dependent ports like port canaveral, for example, which hasn't seen a cruise ship depart from its newly renovated terminal since early 2020 are now counting on new covid protocols to keep the struggling industry above water. but, you know, after a year on the sidelines, the virus is still proving to be a formidable opponent to the struggling
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industry. on friday, royal caribbean cruises announced expanded covid testing procedures after six passengers aboard its venture of the seas cruise ship tested positive for the virus. now the company says all passengers departing for the u.s. for five nights or longer will need to show a negative covid test before they board, and this ship, the mardi gras behind me is expected to sail away at 6:00 p.m. today. >> charles live for us, thank you very much. might have to sit the roller coaster out. we're coming right back. mericans struggle to get reliable transportation to their medical appointments. that's why i started medhaul. citi launched the impact fund to invest in both women and entrepreneurs of color like me, so i can realize my vision and give everything i've got to my company, and my community. i got you. for the love of people. for the love of community. for the love of progress. citi.
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>> eric: more than 18 months after the pandemic started in china, that country now facing major new surges of cases. health officials in china say that it is the highly contagious delta variant that we have here. it's now breaking out there. apparently it began in one city and has spread to 15 cities across the country. this comes as china is blocking the world health organization's plan to launch phase two of its investigation of how covid actually started, and would you know it, that investigation is supposed to look into a potential leak at that laboratory in wuhan. joining us is former secretary of state mike pompeo who is now a fox news contributor. mr. secretary, welcome. >> great to be with you. thanks for having me on this
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afternoon. >> eric: of course. good to see you. the vice chairman of the china's health committee said this, quote, it is impossible for us to accept such an origin tracing plan. why do you think it is impossible for chinese officials to accept something from the who to look at the lab in wuhan? >> my guess is because they know the answer to what any legitimate investigation would find. i think they know this indeed come out of their laboratory, and while we don't have the evidence to prove it, they certainly do. and so my sense is the reason they don't want anybody looking at it is because they know what this would mean for the chinese communist party. they know they have lied to the world. they know they have lied to their own people. they know they have hoisted this virus upon the world costing millions of lives and now billions and billions of dollars worth of wealth. the last thing the chinese communist party is going to be stuck with the stain of having an operated a lab, covered up, disappeared, journalists disappeared, doctors, only have the who come in and find it did in fact come from the laboratory.
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that's my sense of why they want to cover it up. i know dr. fauci says the chinese have every reason to let them in. that's crazy talk. the chinese have every reason to continue to cover up that they have now been engaged in more almost 20 months. >> eric: how can the world try and breach that stone wall? >> the answer is going to have to be there will be some brave chinese scientist that decides to release the documents, the paperwork, the trail, maybe the original virus that they might have stored away somewhere if they tried to destroy it. it is going to be very difficult. the who will never pull this off. when it had its opportunity, it sided with the chinese communist party. it became political. that's too bad. they had the opportunity to do their one job, the one job the who has is to prevent pandemics. they had a chance to go work on it and instead they sided with xi jinping at the point of inflection at that one time, they gave up their right to be viewed as a nonpolitical organization. >> what would it mean if as you say the truth comes out that this did come from the wuhan lab and they try to cover it up, lie
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about it? we have had this death and devastation across the globe, and it is continuing. >> so the chinese communist party has to be held accountable. frankly, that's true, eric, whether it's the case that it came from this laboratory or not, the cover-up itself is an international crime under international law. the chinese have to be held accountable. there are many tools with which to do that. we don't have time to go in that this afternoon. but international law makes clear, that every country has the right to proceed to make claims against a government that places harm. the chinese communist party knew they had a contagious virus on their hands. they knew it was highly lethal, and they permitted that virus to get on airplanes, travel around the world, knowing this would infect millions of people and cause devastation. that alone, without even getting to the answer of whether it came from the lab or someplace else in wuhan, this is something that the world is going to have to unite to impose the real cost on
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the chinese communist party and then importantly work to make sure that something like this never happens again by making sure that lab gets shut down. >> eric: you're right, whether or not it came from the lab or not or the seafood market, the food market from bats, it sounds to me like it is literally a crime against humanity, they didn't come clean, they didn't stop it, they didn't address all the professionals that they should have and dealt with it and warned -- and warned the world. >> there's a technical definition for crimes against humanity, i don't want to debate that, but your point that the chinese communist party knew full well what they had on their hands. instead of doing the right thing, reporting to the who, reporting to the world, telling the world what was going on so we could address this collectively together to do our best, they chose a different path. they chose a path that they had to have known would result in millions of deaths around the world. i don't know if you've seen -- you mentioned in your open that chinese now have the delta
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variant, the data looks to be getting worse, but i got to tell you, no matter what they say about what's going on inside of china, i don't believe it for a second. i saw they reported more cases. they haven't talked about fatalities. we know what happened in wuhan. we know how many people were killed in wuhan at the front end of this thing. we know what the communist party did for the rest of the world. for that cover-up alone and the transmission of this virus around the world, real costs need to be imposed on the communist party. >> eric: right now their story is a russian visitor landed at the airport in the city, affected the airport workers, then it spread. they've closed down highways, quarantined people. do you think we are on the verge of another pandemic coming from china because they are lying about everything? >> you know, i have no idea if somebody came from russia to do that. the fact that the chinese government has said it gives me no faith that actually what happened. i don't know what story they will make up next time. yes, there's a real risk not only a risk that this is now spreading throughout china, look, they have a vaccine.
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i don't know how many people have taken it. we of course have seen a little bit of data, but we don't really know how effective the chinese vaccine is, but we know this, we no that if the chinese -- we know if the chinese communist party has a problem, we know if this escapes again, we know the chinese party will do what it did back at the end of 2019 when they knew they had doctors getting sick in the laboratory. they began to have their political figures, not their health officials work on covering up the virus and making sure the world couldn't attribute it to them. we now know precisely it came from wuhan and we have with high confidence evidence that it came from the laboratory. >> eric: you don't need to be columbo to figure this out. the hero doctor died. three researchers were reportedly sick and had to be hospitalized, this was in november. take a look at what was in the "wall street journal" in june about this, experts writing
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quote, the covid-19 pathogen has a genetic footprint that has never, never been observed in a natural coronavirus. the presence of the sequence is strong evidence of gene splicing in the absence of the public outbreak suggests gain of function acceleration. the scientific evidence points to the conclusion that the virus was developed in a laboratory. your final word? >> i'm only chuckling not because it's not tragic and sad. it absolutely is. i'm chuckling because the world, the scientific community rejected this when our administration spoke about this, when i went on television and spoke about this in the spring of 2020. we had conversations taken down. we were mocked. we were called racist for act knowledging precisely -- acknowledging precisely what you described. now the world can see what we talked about publicly. they can see what happened. the tragedy continues. the chinese communist party is
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directly accountable for all the lives that have been lost. >> the chinese communist party directly accountable says former secretary of state pompeo. great to see you. >> have a good afternoon. >> eric: of course. >> gillian: the senate after voting yesterday to advance president biden's 1.2 trillion dollars infrastructure proposal, we will have the very latest from capitol hill straight ahead. [sfx: radio being tuned] welcome to allstate.
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>> gillian: welcome back. the bipartisan 1.2 trillion dollars infrastructure package passing a big hurdle as 16 g.o.p. senators voted with the democrats yesterday to formally begin debate on the bill. a new battle is brewing on capitol hill as the 2019 suspension of the government's debt limit expires today. republicans are not likely to cross the aisle and approve another increase. let's go ahead and bring in editor and ceo of the dispatch and also a fox news contributor. thank you for being here today. appreciate it. >> hey, jill -- hey gillian how are you? >> gillian: good. we will continue to monitor this throughout the day. you can see it happening right there, a senator is speaking. the text of this bill has not yet been revealed. what do you think we can expect that text to look like? >> there's a lot to learn.
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you know, to use the old cliche, the devil will be in the details on a lot of this, i think. i think the republicans who are in support of this bill, and particularly those who have been a part of these negotiations would say is republican efforts, republican participation in this process has sort of capped the overall amount of spending and allowed republicans to target the spending to real infrastructure needs, to roads and bridges and airports things like that, that were not necessarily likely to be the priority to democrats who keep talking about so called human infrastructure. they will say what we have done, as republicans who participated in the process is we limited the overall number and forced democrats pass their goody list via reconciliation which will probably have the effect of lowering the overall number. having said that, it is a big number. neither political party seems
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that concerned overall about our debt picture. >> gillian: do you think this will get passed? if so, when? does it happen before august recess? >> yeah, i think it probably does end up getting passed. you know, we will find a lot more when we see the actual details of the bill. i suspect you can't always say that the senators who voted to move the debate forward will ultimately end up voting for the bill, but it's often a pretty good guide of where people will end up. so i would expect that we will see it pass. it seems likely to pass the house as well. >> gillian: let's talk about the 3.5 trillion dollars budget measure that has no republican support. nancy pelosi and president biden believe immigration reform should be included reconciliation. pelosi saying they have a very good cause for this. the president saying something similar a day prior to that. do they? >> yeah, i'm not sure. we will have to learn a lot more about what their argument looks like. what reconciliation means in effect is it allows the majority party to bypass the 60 vote
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threshold of a filibuster and pass it basically with a simple majority. in order to do that, the provisions of the bill have to have real budgetary implications, and what democrats are hoping that they can do is make, is reframe the argument about dreamers, the argument about their immigration policy in such a way that they emphasize these budget implications and get the approval from the non-partisan senate parliamentarian. it feels like a stretch in the broad strokes. we know they want to move on immigration. we will have to see what their specific arguments are. it feels like a stretch. >> gillian: you know so many things, so many eyes are always on nadler and the fact he says reconciliation is the only option. it will be interesting to see how this plays out, that's for sure. of course reconciliation is something that i think the american people don't always want to be the answer that we keep going back to in a lot of these scenarios. do you think there's anything that d rekale this? -- that can derail this? >> yeah, i mean, look, i think
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there's -- on the broad reconciliation package, you still have moderate democrats who have said they aren't for 3.5 trillion dollars in new spending. i think having progressive democrats bring these moderates aboard in order to pass something via reconciliation is going to be a pretty heavy lift. and it's interesting that after the early sort of positive signs from the bipartisan package, the progressives have taken the opposite tact i would take if i were a progressive democrat is they are sort of chastising these moderates saying you are working with republicans. you are narrowing the progressive possibilities of a biden administration because you're requiring us to get approval from republicans. well, that seems to be unlikely to win votes from somebody like a joe manchin, you know, whose state donald trump won by 39 points. >> gillian: that's for sure. the federal debt ceiling expiring today, want to get your opinion on that real quick.
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in 2019 this was suspended under former president trump with bipartisan report. the treasury department is putting out some harsh language what could happen with the state of our economy if something isn't done on this. what needs to be done? >> this was a game of chicken that republicans played pretty frequently during the obama years that sort of went away under donald trump when republicans were a lot less concerned about the debt frankly. it is back now as a negotiating tactic. mcconnell indicated he thought it unlikely that republicans would vote to support a debt ceiling increase, that it would have to be included in reconciliation. saying in effect he's pulling the camera back and saying let's look at the big picture here. this is 28 trillion dollars. we can't afford this spending. we have to get serious about spending, and i think what he is trying to do is focus some attention on the size of the democrats wish list and precisely the kinds of things that will be in it, we know will be in it. i don't think mitch mcconnell is not going to ultimately risk a
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default. we're not going to have the problems that would result if a debt ceiling is not raised. but i think he sees it as an important rhetorical argument right now against democrats who are spending sort of like drunken sailors. >> gillian: steve hayes, editor and ceo of the dispatch joining to us break down a lot. thank you very much for your time on this saturday. have a good day. >> you bet, thanks, gillian. >> gillian: eric? >> eric: french police in riot gear trying to control protests in paris today. they are angry about what is a coronavirus pass. that pass will be needed in france to soon let people get into restaurants and other places. this is the third straight weekend of protests after french lawmakers passed that bill requiring a covid pass amid a spike in infections and hospitalizations there. we are live in london with more on the covid pass and the reaction. hi, kitty. >> hi, eric. yes, this is a very divisive and
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e motive issue. many protesters in paris today feel their liberty is at stake. we did see some clashes. there were thousands of people marching through the streets of paris and elsewhere in france. they are very angry about this new pass, which is being introduced by the government. they feel it curtails their freedoms. it will come into force, though, on august 9th. there were some outbreaks of violence as it escalated with police in riot gear trying to keep that situation under control. it's interesting to note that polls indicate most french people do support the idea of this pass. it effectively means no access to public places without a covid vaccination or proof of a negative test. so it is very restrictive. we're also hearing that healthcare workers in france will be required to be vaccinated to do their jobs. that's all because covid cases are rising again in france, over 20,000 cases a day. that's up by several thousand since the beginning of july.
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really france seeing now a fourth wave of covid-19 infections. 100,000 people have died of the virus in the country, since the start of the pandemic, and still only half the population is vaccinated. as with many countries, including the u.s., the real problem behind this spike in cases is that delta variant. of course the government is extremely concerned. eric? >> eric: kitty, thank you very much. >> gillian: the cdc pulling a complete 180 on masks earlier this week, now recommending them even for the fully vaccinated in covid hot spots. what exactly is the science driving this reversal? we will break down the data with dr. fisher. that's next. introducing aleve x. it's fast, powerful long-lasting relief with a revolutionary, rollerball design. because with the right pain reliever... life opens up. aleve it, and see what's possible.
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when you are vaccinated, you are protected from severe disease and death, and when we remove the masks in may, for the vaccinated people, the alpha
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variant was the predominant variant, and we had data to suggest at the time that if you were infected as a breakthrough case that you couldn't give disease, you couldn't give alpha disease to someone else. fast forward now the end of july, the predominant strain here is delta. the data that we saw was actually unlike alpha. delta allows you to transmit to somebody else. >> eric: that's the concern right now. you just heard dr. walensky, director for the cdc, explaining their reversal this week on wearing masks indoors. the agency now urging everyone, even the fully vaccinated to wear a mask indoors in covid hot spots. dr. fisher is joining us, certified in pediatrics, nephrology and internal medicine. there's a big worry over delta. is it appropriately concerning, or do you think some of it is over blown considering the minimal number of people
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vaccinated infected? >> it is appropriate to be concerned about the delta variant. when the cdc said for the fully vaccinated people to remove their masks indoors, they were only talking to the fully vaccinated people. unfortunately; even the unvaccinated people took their masks off, were indoors, and now the virus has continued to mutate. we have the delta variant. unlike the alpha variant, the previous variant, the delta variant is more transmissible and now we believe it is more deadly, and we also know that even vaccinated people can spread the virus, so it is prudent that we change the guidelines. the good news is, that the vaccination still work in keeping the fully vaccinated from getting severely ill and from dying from covid-19. >> eric: everyone knows getting vaccinated and the calls to get vaccinated certainly. get vaccinated, if you can. there's the sense that oh, we're free. you're protected. you're, you know, 100% guarded and safeguarded against getting coronavirus. everyone went yay, but actually
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we're learning now that that may not have been -- or should have been the case. >> it was never the case. the science never said that the covid-19 vaccinations were 100%. but we know that 99% of the people who die from covid-19 are unvaccinated, so the vaccinations do what they are supposed to do right now, which is to keep you from getting severely ill and from dying. i want people to think of the vaccinations like an umbrella. if you take an umbrella out in a thunderstorm, you might get a little wet, might get damp, but you won't get drenched. however, if that thunderstorm changes, evolves into a hurricane or even a tsunami variant, then the umbrella would no longer work. people need to get the vaccinations before this pandemic gets out of control and becomes a tsunami. >> eric: that's a great way to look at it in terms of rain versus tsunami because that's apparently what we could potentially be facing. let's look sat only of the figures -- let's look at some of
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the figures of the covid deaths. vaccinated people, 1,141, those who have gotten vaccinated. unvaccinated people, 610,981. those are the breakthrough cases you're looking at there in terms of those who have been vaccinated. 163 million people have been vaccinated. you're looking now at the deaths. 163 million vaccinated. we have basically breakthrough cases about .004%. and although that's a tremendously small number, doctor, anecdotally, you're getting reports because you see it on facebook and social media and friends and friends of friends of friends, hearing about people who have been vaccinated getting it. we know a doctor who had four different patients within an hour test positive with coronavirus, in new york city, even though they were vaccinated. so what does this tell you as you go through the rest of the summer into the fall? >> it tells me that people need
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to avoid misinformation. they need to speak to physicians and scientists they trust. some people call it a breakthrough infection. but again, the vaccinations were never designed to be 100% and to keep you from testing positive from covid-19. they are meant to protect you from getting very ill and very sick. when you put on a seat belt, you know there's not a 100% protection that if you get a car accident you won't die, but you know the overwhelming evidence shows that you are much less likely to die if you wear the seat belt, and so you put on the armor, and you protect yourself. same thing with vaccinations. if the number 99 doesn't mean anything to people, i don't know what does. over 99% of the people who have died from covid-19 are not vaccinated. the vaccinations work. people need to respect the science and stop paying attention to misinformation. >> eric: absolutely, respect the science, get vaccinated, if you can, and finally, if you are vaccinated, do you think you
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should wear a mask indoors? what is your best advice in terms of mask wearing? >> i think you should wear a mask indoors. quite honestly, even when the cdc came out with the first guidelines saying that vaccinated people did not need to wear masks, i continued to wear a mask when i was indoors and with people -- [inaudible] vaccination status. many of my patients who are immune compromised have continued to wear masks. now that we have data to show that vaccinated people can have the same viral load as unvaccinated people, meaning testing the naval cavities of a vaccinated person and unvaccinated person of covid-19, they both have high viral loads with the delta variant, we now have the science behind it. vaccinated people should still wear masks, indoors, and everyone who is able should get vaccinated and continue to wear masks, so that we can stop this pandemic. >> eric: there's the message. get vaccinated. and you may not like it, but wear your mask. kill the virus before it kills more of us.
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dr. fisher, good to see you, thank you. >> good to see you. >> eric: gillian? >> gillian: the largest air show in the u.s. is wrapping up this weekend in wisconsin, after it was cancelled, like many things in 2020 due to the pandemic. the oshkosh air show is looking to boost interest in commercial aviation as the industry struggles with increased demand and a shortage of pilots. grady trimble got to fly with a team and learned more about how shows like this could help fill the pilot gap. take a look. >> this week america's dairyland is also the center of the aviation universe. more than 10,000 planes and a half a million people descending on oshkosh, wisconsin, from all over the country. >> we are from northeast texas. we're here for the greatest
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gathering of aviation in the world. >> we came today to bring our little guy out. >> before your time in oshkosh, have you ever seen anything like this? >> nothing like it. >> did you hear that one? >> we took off with the geico sky typers flying planes used to train our military in world war ii, maneuvering into formations with less than five feet between the planes. these precision pilots fly for commercial airlines as well. they say air shows like oshkosh help recruit the next generation. >> all of us never pass up the opportunity to wave at kids that's out there, sign autographs, take pictures with them. each one could be a future pilot. you have to look at every one like they are going to be your airline pilot when you're retired, yes. >> also here military heros who fought for our freedom as far back as world war ii. this refurbished painted to look exactly like the aircraft a navy
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ace flew in the south pacific. >> it is just amazing that they could restore a plane that looks so beautiful and so much like it came off the assembly line. it's brought some memories that i thought i had forgotten about my time six months in combat. >> for one week in this city of around 70,000 people, its airport is the busiest in the world. in oshkosh, wisconsin, grady trimble, fox news. >> eric: oshkosh, that's fantastic. from up in the air to down under the sea, a series of shark sightings. yeah, sharks has officials on high alert in new york. why they are coming that far north and how beachgoers are coping with those guys off the beach. usaa is made for the safe pilots. for mac. who can come to a stop with barely a bobble.
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lucia. who announces her intentions even if no one's there. and sgt moore. who leaves room for her room. with usaa safepilot, when you drive safe... can save up to 30% on your auto insurance. get a quote and start saving. usaa. what you're made of, we're made for. ♪ ♪ know this about the jungle, everything that you see wants to kill you and can. ♪ ♪ ♪ born to be wild ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ born to be wild ♪ ♪ ♪ see disney's jungle cruise. applebee's and a movie, now that's eatin' good in the neighborhood.
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>> gillian: welcome back. a series of shark sightings in new york prompting beach closures on long island. a life guard said something bit him earlier this week and he says he spotted a fin in the water. authorities trying to keep everyone safe as people flock to the beaches on this summer weekend. laura ingle live in a beach in new york. laura, what are people saying? >> well, listen, not a lot of people are super worried about
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it, as you can see behind me. it is another busy day here for family and friends who are here to enjoy the surf and now for those who are patrolling the waters, looking for any signs of sharks. and you can see there don't seem to be a lot of people with a lot of concern here at nickerson beach, just like clockwork for the same time period last year, shark sightings have kicked in to high gear again on this last week of july. and that has prompted nassau county officials to fire up their shark patrol units, skimming the waters with jet-skis and boats and life guards on shore looking for any signs of fins or under-water activity that would signal the need to blow that whistle to get swimmers to shore. right in this same area, some fishermen got a big taste of what lies beneath as they snagged a large shark right off the shore this week after wrestling with a big fish and getting the hook out of its mouth, they were able to get him back in the water. that's what people could be swimming with.
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>> there's been a lot of shark sightings and you clearly have no fear because your kids are in the water. >> it is their home -- it is their home. we're swimming in their home. i'm not too worried based on statistics. >> i feel okay, and i trust the life guards, but if they were older, i probably wouldn't want them out too far. >> this last monday a life guard on jones beach on long island says he felt something hit him under water and when he came out of the surf, he had a gash on his calf. you can see the life guards standing by and standing at attention as they take a look out to the sea keeping people safe. again, people here just having a good time. they know that it is happening, but they're not real worried about it. back to you. >> gillian: it is the shark's home after all. laura ingle, thank you very much. stay safe out there. >> eric: i'm not going in or wrestling a shark either. boy, oh boy. we will see you at 4:00 p.m. eastern.
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12:00 pm
but it's only human... to search for it. welcome to the journal editorial report. i'm paul gigot. the debate over vaccine and mask mandates heating up this week as the white house scrambles to get more americans vaccinated against covid 19 amid the spread of the highly contagious delta variant. president biden outlining the next steps in the administration's vaccine push announcing that all federal workers must be vaccinated or submit to regular testing, masking, and other protocols. this as cities across the country reimpose their own covid


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